The Brick and Blocklayers Federation (BBFNZ) is happy to announce that Calley Gibbons of Mandron Masonry Ltd, in Auckland has been awarded the Brick and Blocklaying Industry Silver Trowel (Apprentice of the Year) Award for 2016 at their conference awards dinner on 13 August 2016.
“The Silver Trowel is our industry’s most coveted acknowledgement” states BBFNZ CEO Melanie McIver. “It is an acknowledgement of the best apprentice in our trade throughout the country and is usually an early earmark of an individual with a successful career in our trade. A couple of our board members were Silver Trowel winners back in their day”.
The Silver Trowel award had been placed on hold in 2014 while the selection process was reviewed. BBFNZ acknowledge the work and support of Firth Industries and specifically, Christy Thompson, for enabling this award to be re-established.
Calley attributes his greatest enjoyment in his brick and blocklaying career to being able to, at the end of the day “stand back, look at the job just completed and know that few people possess the skills required to build with something as articulate and time lasting as brick and block…”
BBFNZ’s media release on the Silver Trowel can be read here: BBFNZ Silver Trowel Media release